Episode 11

January 29, 2023


Episode 11: Interviewing Stanford Musculoskeletal Radiologist

Hosted by

Tanishka Khanduja
Episode 11: Interviewing Stanford Musculoskeletal Radiologist
The DocTalk
Episode 11: Interviewing Stanford Musculoskeletal Radiologist

Jan 29 2023 | 00:23:59


Show Notes

Welcome back to the DocTalk everyone! I am thrilled to interview the guest speaker for today’s episode- Dr. Sandip Biswal. Dr. Biswal is a board-certified musculoskeletal radiologist affiliated with Stanford Medicine. He received his MD from Harvard and MIT medical school. He pursued his internship at Columbia followed by his residency at Stanford and finally his fellowship at UC San Diego. His focus on diagnostic radiology coaxed him to develop clinical imaging methods that would objectively pinpoint the site of pain generation using novel agents that specifically seek out molecular and cellular pain markers to highlight hypersensitive pain-sensing nerves. His clinical work is nothing short of groundbreaking as it seeks to reduce unnecessary surgeries, improve outcomes, aid in the development of novel analgesics, and potentially reduce healthcare costs associated with the management of chronic pain.

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